Business Tools to help you achieve results in your business.





To The Point Solutions For Production Control And Management

Production control starts with a specific goal and the outline of strategies for the accomplishment of the goal. 

At Dataworx we adhere to the concept that there are three levels of production control namely programming, ordering and dispatching. 

Programming plans the output of products for the factory as a whole.

Ordering plans the output of components from the suppliers and processing departments. 

Dispatching considers each processing department in turn and plans the output from the machine, tools and other work centers to complete the orders by the targeted date.

At Dataworx we know the fundamental objective of production control is to manage and control the production process to insure the orderly flow of material at different stages of the production.

Just as important is knowing that the items are produced in the right quality with the right quantity and at the most optimal time with reduced effort and cost.

Finally, production control is the function of management which plans, directs and controls the material supply and processing activities of the business.

Production control insures the specified products are produced by defined methods to meet a specific sales program. 

Production control ensures that the activities are carried out in a manner that the available labor and materials are used in the best possible way and this is where Dataworx shines.